Hi! Everyone! In this post, I'd like to share about my experience with EMINA product! I'm so happy with this! Emina product design so cute and simple, formula-nya juga ringan, jadi tidak berat dikulit. Selain itu produk emina banyak macamnya, tidak hanya kosmetik tapi juga perawatan tubuh lainnya.
Emina, everyday is a chance to play, try new things,
shared laughter and happiness. Emina understand that pretty are simple
and fun. You could be more beautiful not only in your happiness but by
choosing the right makeup for your skin.
Emina also understand
the unique needs of your skin. That is why Emina presents a complete
range of care products and cosmetics are safe to use and easy to apply
for you. “Because you were born to beloved”
And now Emina come with Summer Edition, and it's also come with it's promotion :
*valid for multiple items
*offer valid while stock lasts
Belinya di sociolla, kamu bisa temukan produk emina
Paket datang dengan kemasan bag Sociolla yang keren! aku udah buka plastik pembungkusnya, anyway package aman! barang utuh, tidak ada cacat! I'm so relieved for this!
Yeah, I know there's pretty things Inside! ;)
Bubble wrapped fill in the beauty product, so it prevent the product from damage!
When I opened it! Whoaa so cool, so colorful product in yellow! Love it! It's real summer!
And here's the tote bag you'll get with Summer Time Edition! Love it! so beautiful bag with summer theme, full of fruit pattern so cute! It's safe and clean with separate plastic package!
The tote bag can be used as it is (with 2 short strap) and as sling bag, because there's long strap inside the bag which can be used as sling bag, so good!
Here's Emina products that I bought :
Body Sorbet
Emina Body Sorbet merupakan pelembab tubuh yang juga dapat menutrisi
kulit dengan tekstur yang unik seperti es krim sorbet sehingga
memberikan efek yang sejuk saat diaplikasikan ke kulit. Rasakan sensasi
dingin sorbet dan kesegaran nanas pada kulitmu, meninggalkan wangi segar
dan kulit lembab yang terhidrasi dengan baik.
Ada 3 variant : Kiwi, pineapple and watermelon. I'm interested in pineapple one, so I chose this. You can check this product
I found it's good to have this, it's give your skin fresh feeling immediately and it's also fragrance, nice smell and make my skin feels so soft! I love this product! with summer edition and benefit, I think it's good, I recommend this!
Traceless Oil Cleanser
Emina Traceless Oil Cleanser mampu membersihkan make up dengan sangat
mudah tanpa meninggalkan sisa make up pada wajah yang telah dibasahi
air, pijat dengan lembut dan langsung bilas dengan air hingga bersih.
Cara Pakai :
pada wajah yang kering, pijat dengan lembut dan bersihkan menggunakan
tissue/kapas. Atau usapkan pada wajah yang telah dibasahi air, pijat
dengan lembut dan langsung bilas dengan air hingga bersih.
Body Scrub Pineapple
Emina Body Scrub ini memiliki beberapa keunggulan, diantaranya :
- Butirannya yang halus sehingga tidak membuat kulit terasa sakit pada saat dioleskan
- Mengangkat kotoran dan sel-sel kulit mati, menjadikan kulit lebih bersih
- Mudah dibilas dan meninggalkan kulit yang terasa halus setelah dibilas
- Mengandung ekstrak buah-buahan: kiwi, pineapple dan watermelon yang kaya akan manfaat untuk kulit
- Aroma yang harum menyegarkan dan tahan lama meski telah dibilas
Begitu dibuka wanginya pineapple banget, harum, belum dicoba, semoga cocok! but I do love the smell! so fragrance! Find it
Love the texture, hope it can moisten my skin more and more!
Dirt-less In Sight Make Up Remover
An easy-to-use makeup remover with mild formula to clean up waterproof makeup and stubborn grime. You can get this with IDR 25K
When I use this product, it can clean nicely, but not as strong as other make up remover with the same function and it's a little bit sting, if you have sensitive skin it may be uncomfortable on skin, but it's ok with me. If you interested, you can find this product
3 Steps Skin Secret Face The Bright
It's come in handy package and each bottle didn't take much space with it's mini bottle, so it's easier to take it anywhere or save it.
This bundle consists of:
- Creamy Milk Cleansing Lotion 50 ml
A soft texture cleansing milk combined with Glycolic Acid helps to
remove makeup and dirt gently without leaving oil residue and stripping
skin moisture.
- Moist in A Bottle Moisturizer 50 ml
A light texture Emina moisturizer with Macademia oil protects your skin
from dryness. It helps to fulfill your daily skin hydration needs.
- The Bright Stuff Face Toner 50 ml
Compliment with Vitamin B3, Emina Brightening Face Toner helps to
freshen, brighten, and chase the dullness away from your beautiful skin.
Anyway, I think it's fine product, if you want something practical, economic, and want to get basic cleaning and care skin product in one package without bothering buy more, it's nice but I prefer my usual skin care product, but it's nice to try this out since it's cute and okay product, it didn't irritate my skin but it's a little bit sting although it's doesn't bother me much. If you interested in it, you can check it
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